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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

volatile of 16 September - Political

16 September should mark as a unlucky day for the whole world for the year of 2008.

16 September as the day we should all celebrate the Malaysia day which show the unity and the spirit of MALAYSIAN to get off from British Umbrella.

This day in year 2008 seem like an unhappy one as it have been overshadowed by opposition as day of roll over the existing government. Even I do not believe Anwar does get the numbers, but I still hope that 16 September could be an end for the instability of Malaysia Politic.However it seem like it is now just never ended but being developed to the next episode and chapter of the story board.


It has been reinstated for hundred times that Pakatan Rakyat leaders in west and east malaysia that they have gain enough numbers to establish the new government since mid of the year and noted that 16 september is the day of new government rolling...


1. why you guys still need to meet BN MPs in Taiwan if you have confirmed with them earlier? there are only 2 reason:
1) they do not have the numbers yet
2) they do not believe the commitment made by BN MPs
(this one is dangerous which mean they do not believe each other if they join together as a team, NO TRUST.)

2. If you decided to take over by 16-September,all paper work and preparation must done and FULLY COMPLETED prior to the day. Pakatan Rakyat, you rang hari pertama dalam sistem politik Malaysia ke? you guys really those five little frogs on a log, ...

3. Since the topic of roll over started, we know that if success then we will see ANWAR in Putrajaya PM office..

Who will be the deputy or even deputies??

since when you see a PM or President announce his/her partner(s) after on going? need us to declared 1 week time for you to decide the whole cabinet??

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